Done Right TimersDone Right TimersDone Right Timers
Done Right Timers
Done Right Timers
The invention story of the DoneRight Timer
I decided to quit my office job to take a year off of work and travel. One goal of mine was to spend 3 months in a foreign country. I chose Florence, Italy after visiting a few years prior.

It ended up being one of the best times of my life. I made friends from different countries, had a lot of fun, and learned a good amount of Italian. The trip was beautiful, inspiring and rejuvenating, and I learned to cook an authentic marinara sauce.

After returning to Chicago, I was cooking the sauce and pasta on two burners while baking dinner rolls in the oven. I remember thinking I should be eating more vegetables and thought about using one of the back burners to steam some.

But I felt a bit overwhelmed with 3 items cooking at once, and the dinner rolls burn very easily if cooked for more than 7 minutes exactly. I like my pasta cooked at 15 minutes and the sauce cooked at 10 minutes.

So I thought it would be nice to have separate timers for each item to keep track of everything. I thought that I could buy 5 timers and arrange them on the counter so each would match each location of cooking. Then I thought it would be more attractive if there was a small plastic oven with a separate timer at each burner location. I immediately realized it would be a great solution for timing multiple items, and I was surprised to see that it didn't exist.

I felt that the other multi-timer products were complicated and did not help the user visually keep track of specific items.

So I gradually began learning the ropes of creating a new product and starting a company. I wasn't sure how to begin or how to move forward, but I learned as I went. After some very busy years, the product has been manufactured and released on the market. It was a long road but well worth it!

--Daniel Johnston
 Inventor of the DoneRight™ Timer
 President, Tuscan Concepts, Inc.

Done Right Timers
Done Right TimersDone Right Timers
Done Right Timers
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www.DoneRightTimer.comChicago, Illinois, USA

© 2007-2008 All Rights Reserved

Distributed by Tuscan Concepts Inc. Made in China.
DoneRight Timer™ is a patented product and a pending trademark of Tuscan Concepts, Inc.